Terms of service

All artwork, images, patterns and videos are copyrighted by Threads With Purpose and its owners. All rights are reserved. They are not to be used by any third party without receiving written permission. If they are being reposted or shared on social media, please credit and tag me.

I reserve the right to make prints and reproductions of all of my artwork, including commissions.

Collectors have the right to display their artwork in their home or office. But they do not hold the rights to the piece. The artwork cannot be reproduced at any time. Any Threads With Purpose items purchased are not for resale.*

Copying or reproducing artwork created by Threads With Purpose (as seen on this site or elsewhere) is strictly prohibited without written permission from the artist.

Images on this website are not to be downloaded, duplicated, or used by any third party without written consent form Threads With Purpose and its owners.
If you have purchased a kit with a video, you agree to not share or copy any of the video with anyone, without written consent from Threads With Purpose and its owners.

* Purchasing an item is an agreement to these terms. If you are interested in wholesale items for your brick and mortar, please contact me directly to work out a written agreement.